Select Service and Pay co-payment Now
Now that your Forms are complete, and your appointment is scheduled, please select your Service and proceed to making your co-payment or fee, as discussed.

First time patients please select Service Level 1/ Initial Consultation.  Then proceed to check-out has we have discussed with you, based on your insurance.

Returning Patients please select either Service Level 3/ Personalized Risk Assessment OR Service Level 5/ Genetic Testing Coordination, based on your discussions with us. Please proceed to check-out, based on your insurance.

Self-Pay Patients may select any Services with us.

Please note that genetic testing surrounding on-going prenatal or pediatric diagnoses is best handled by  Maternal/Fetal, Obstetric, and Pediatric Genetics Specialists, often located at major medical centers or hospitals,  where clinical/medical services may be offered if needed. 
Copyright © Genetic Counseling Services Schenectady, New York